During this open event – with a live audience and guest who joined via Zoom – Timo Dobrowolski (Head of the Wellbeing, Disability and Inclusion Team) gave an overview in respect of the prevalent mental health conditions.
He explained what the symptoms of the individual conditions are. An emphasis was placed on the fact that diagnostic frameworks (i.e. the ICD 10 and the DSM 5) are guidelines but not a 1:1 reflection of a more complex reality which is characterised by overlaps in terms of these conditions.
A core question that was discussed was where exactly mental health ends and where mental illness begins; with the result that no such clear distinction can be made as mental illness is an amplification of aspects of normal emotional and cognitive realities.
Further, the common assumption that talking about one’s problems helps was discussed and Timo explained why this is the case.
Lastly, the attendees were given a summary of the changes that can be observed during the onset of a mental illness and which agencies could offer support should this be required.
Keep an eye out for future events run by the Wellbeing, Disability and Inclusion Team. If you would like any support or guidance in the meantime, please visit the the Wellbeing pages of our website.