PWC Skills Session
It was great to see so many students join our PwC skills session on the 8th of November at our Farringdon Campus, with over 61 students attending our lunchtime talk.
The session lasted approximately 1 and a half hours and explored what skills the consultancy firm was looking for in terms of applicants. Discussed in depth were the recruitment process, placements, and the PwC graduate scheme. Topics covered included the importance of well-being and building networks. Notably, the firm tries to be as diverse as possible when hiring graduates, in terms of age, gender and nationality. The company are constantly looking for graduates and assist them by providing support in their application process, so check out their website here to see what roles are available.
Students were elated to gain recruitment tips for this highly competitive firm and benefited greatly from the session, which was a talk followed by time for questions and answers. We hope to organise another visit soon with PwC in future for students who missed the one last week, so look out for any further details.