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Alumni of the Month - Jamila Zerhboub

I studied and worked hard before being married to who I believed was my soulmate.14 years ago I followed my husband to the UK and remained married to him to what I would call an unsuccessful marriage. My “husband” was not supportive at all, which resulted in him calling me “useless”, a phrase that craved inside me and destroyed me. I felt lost and devastated, which made me start looking for a way to rebuild my life and personality.

I came to learn that one of the greatest gifts that we can give to our self in this life is to decide to commit to a journey of self-improvement without an apology. Thus, I decided to go back to the university to make something out for myself. Going back to school after a large gap of more than 20 years was an awkward phase of my life in the beginning. I finally understood my requirements to succeed academically in the university, and this prepared me to push and achieve what I would call a success. The first year of my four-year course was the foundation of my success in the university and thus makes it my most important year. My best moment in the foundation year was facing the Dragan den experience.

Graduating with a Bachelor of Science with honours in Business and Hospitality Management from ARU London is an exciting achievement for me. This has broadened my understanding and perception of several important issues in the hospitality industry like hotel management, event management, and food and beverage management. I have acquired knowledge and skills I can implement in both my personal and career life.

Throughout my four-year course at ARU London, I have realised that it was important for me to lose everything for it helped me in finding out the most important thing in life, which is to be true to yourself. Understanding and being true to myself have made me realise that I could achieve my goals. Currently, I’m studying an International Master business administration (MBA) at ARU London and this has helped me reach here. My time in school has taught me to be fearless, live freely, and always know that I will succeed no matter what.

In life as a student and a corporate person, you need to understand that your gender, religious background, ethnic, social status, or orientation does not matter. We have similar struggles, and the lessons for us to move forward by overcoming our struggles will apply equally. Therefore, keep studying hard without worrying about your social status or gender and you will surely achieve your goals.

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