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Scholarship Winners



Yvonne is one of our Postgraduate Scholarship winners for the January 2019 intake, after submitting an entry she was chosen as one of two winners of a 50% tuition fee scholarship. We caught up with Yvonne and this is what she had to say:

"Some will

Some won’t

Some wait

So, what next!

Has always been my motto as a mother of six who in the past had a successful hairdressing business, went through a divorce and became homeless. My motto was realised when I won this scholarship as I proved once more that I am my biggest motivator and I am grateful to ARU London for this opportunity as it has set me on a bright career path. Achieving this award has confirmed to me that anything is possible for anybody and I want to motivate others that it’s never too late to study.

Moving forward, I hope to become an inspiration and mentor to others as I work hard for a PR Sales Director Managerial position, or better yet, run my own company!"

If you are thinking of studying a Postgraduate degree at ARU London why not submit an entry for our Masters Scholarship Programme, more information can be found here -

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