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Discover ARU London

Scholarship Winners



Hannah Edwards

MSc International Marketing

As part of our commitment to student development and experience, we offer a range of Scholarships to our postgraduate students. This includes our Masters Scholarship Programme, where students have the chance to receive up to 50% off of their Master’s Degree.  

We have asked some of the winners of our scholarship to reflect on their journey to help others considering the same path

Why did you choose to study for a master's degree?

I wanted to prove to myself I could achieve everything I want in life, this is almost a symbol for my educational success

How has ARUL helped you with this 50% scholarship?

Student fees are a big pressure to bare on your shoulders and so a scholarship has taken some of the burden and feeling of pressure.

What do you hope to achieve after your degree?

I hope to be successful in which ever direction I take once I graduate. I have no pressure to succeed in a certain area and so I feel that as long as I am happy in life I will be successful. Having a masters degree provides a great deal of happiness and will hopefully unlock another chapter in success.

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